The IEP process can seem to be confusing and overwhelming to a parent, especially one new to the process. There are so many easy-to-follow resources helpful for all families and educators – see the links below. Reviewing this information prior to an IEP meeting helps to ensure the meeting is student-centered, productive and efficient for all involved.

Megan Moeller
Director of Student Services
Education Service Center
(920) 324-9341 ext. 2212

Megan Wienke
Student Services Administrative Assistant
Education Service Center
(920) 324-9341 ext.2100
Parent Preparation for an IEP Meeting
IEPs provide a framework for IEP teams to explore beliefs and attitudes regarding students with IEPs, build knowledge and skills in order to evaluate and plan special education services, and examine systems and practices which support students, families, and educators. Please visit the Wisconsin Parent Educator Initiative (WSPEI) website for IEP resources specifically created for parents:
WSPEI’s Webpage about IEPs - Tips and tools to facilitate parent and educator communication at IEP meetings; includes a helpful form for parents/student/teacher called the Positive Student Profile(en espanol)
An Introduction to Special Education
Special Education in Plain Language
Friendly and Productive IEP Meetings video training from Wisconsin Special Education Mediation System
The Difference between Accommodations, Modifications, and Interventions - Accommodations are practices and procedures that provide equitable access to grade-level content. Accommodations are intended to reduce or eliminate the effects of a student’s disability or level of language acquisition; they do not reduce learning expectations. The accommodations provided to a student must be consistent for classroom instruction, classroom assessments, and district and state assessments.
Wisconsin 2011 Act 125 Seclusion and Restraint
The Act permits the use of seclusion and or physical restraint only when a student’s behavior presents a clear, present and imminent risk to the physical safety of the student or others and it is the least restrictive intervention feasible.