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Meeting Schedule:

Working Meetings: 2nd Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m., unless otherwise indicated. (No Working Meetings in April, June, July, and December.)

Business Meetings: 4th Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m., unless otherwise indicated.

Workshops and Special Meetings as indicated in BoardDocs and on the website live feed.

2024-25 Board of Education Meeting Calendar

*Meeting calendar is subject to change.

Welcome to the Waupun Area School District

where our goal is to foster an educational environment in which student achievement is at the forefront. High expectations and a focus on professional learning among our staff ensure high levels of learning for all students.

OUR VISION - A catalyst for innovation resulting in student success.

OUR MISSION - Acting together to maximize every student's potential.

Our Collective Commitments to You - We will…

  • provide a safe, positive, and accepting learning environment;

  • collaborate with students, families, and communities to improve learning for your child;

  • take collective responsibility for helping all students learn at high levels;

  • never stop learning, collaborating, and improving as a staff;

  • ensure our schools are a vital part of our communities and vice versa.

District Office Staff:

Steve Hill picture

Steve Hill
District Administrator
Education Service Center
920.324.9341. Ext. 2102

Trisha Visser

Trisha Visser
Asst. to the D. A. & Board of Education
Education Service Center
920.324.9341. Ext. 2103

Education Service Center
950 Wilcox Street
Waupun, WI 53963

A message from 23/24 School Board President, Katrina Pokorny, at the 2023 Annual Meeting:

"Hello. Thank you all for coming to our annual meeting today. Obviously we have a lot to discuss, so I will keep this brief. I want to start off by thanking the Waupun area and surrounding communities for supporting our school district and passing the referendum last fall. Without your support, we wouldn't be able provide the amount or range of opportunities that we do for our students. I also want to thank you all for being patient with us as a Board. I know there are times where you may question what we're doing. I know that because we were all on the other side of the table in your seats at one point, and we did the same exact thing. Please know that we are faced with a lot of complex and difficult situations and that we always lead with our best foot forward to make the right decisions for our students, their families, and our community. We take our responsibilities extremely seriously, ask the tough questions, and sometimes make decisions that aren't always popular. We all either have children attending our schools or that attended our schools within the past year or two...or, in my case, recently graduated from our school district. We are invested in supporting our students and making our district the very best that we can.

Again, thank you for your attendance and interest in the future of our District."

Board of Education Members:

Jennie Patrykus

Jennie Patrykus

Board of Education President
1st Elected: 2014 | Term Expires: 2026
Represents City of Waupun

Jodi Schultz

Jodi Schultz

Board of Education Vice President
1st Elected: 2021 | Term Expires: 2024
Represents the city of Fox Lake, the towns of Fox Lake, and Westford

Lori Van Buren

Lori Van Buren

Board of Education Treasurer
1st Elected: 2019 | Term Expires: 2025 
Represents City of Waupun

Megan VandeZande

Megan VandeZande

Board of Education Clerk
1st Elected: 2022 | Term Expires: 2025 
Represents the Towns of Alto and Trenton


Dustin Gassner

Board of Education Member
1st Elected: 2023 | Term Expires: 2026
Represents City of Waupun

Karen Gibbs

Karen Gibbs

Board of Education Member
1st Elected: 2024 | Term Expires: 2027
Represents At-Large

Lucas VanEgtern

Lucas VanEgtern

Board of Education Member
1st Elected: 2024 | Term Expires: 2025
Represents Towns of Burnett, Chester,

Oakfield, Springvale, and Waupun