For more information on the Youth Apprenticeship program please reach out to:
Doug Disch
CTE Coordinator
920.324.5591, ext. 2838

Waupun Area School District Expands College and Career Readiness Efforts
The Waupun Area School District is committed to assisting our graduates reach the highest level of academic and career preparation within various career pathways to enter successfully into the global workforce. Through our Career and Technical Education programs, we give high school students the chance to start preparing for college and careers. Our CTE programming has expanded to offer new career based learning opportunities, industry certifications and an expanded apprenticeship program.
Doug Disch, Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator said Our Youth Apprenticeship program will provide additional training and credit opportunities forstudents seeking an edge in career preparation. “We’ve been very fortunate to help many of our students embark on their career paths before leaving high school through our employer partnerships. Students are able to enter careers that they are excited about, and many students receive post-secondary education that is fully or partially paid for or reimbursed by their employer. It’s a win-win relationship between our students and our local employers.”
How Do Youth Apprenticeships Work?
The Youth Apprenticeship (YA) program is a rigorous one- or two-year elective statewide program that combines academic and technical instruction with mentored, paid, on-the-job learning that makes a real world connection for students. High school juniors and seniors are eligible to participate.
Youth Apprenticeship Programs
Programs are available in the following categories:
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Architecture and Construction
Graphic Design/Printing
Health Care
Hospitality and Tourism
Information Technology
Science Technology, Engineering and Math
Transportation Distribution and Logistics
Benefits of Youth Apprenticeship
For Students:
Follow a career pathway from high school to post-secondary institutions or the workforce
Earn a paycheck while learning from skilled professionals
Experience first-hand connections between high school education and real life work
Increase career awareness and improve future employability
Receive a state-issued skills certificate which is recognized by employers
Develop the necessary skills needed for successful entry-level employment