SAGES Foundation Logo


The Foundation was created for the purpose of supporting the School for AGricultural and Environmental Studies (SAGES) to strive for a high quality education for Kindergarten through 6th grade.

Our mission is to provide every tax benefit with our 501 (C) 3 non-profit designation while creating a layer of fiscal responsibility to our donors.

All Foundation staff and board members are unpaid volunteers not subject to any requirements of the school or school board thereby assuring the donations will be handled responsibly.

Any donation given for a special designation will be ear marked for such purpose*. Donations not specified will be placed in the general account and will be used for an approved purpose. Upon receipt of your donation, the Foundation will send you a confirmation letter of your tax exempt donation.


Dale Paul, President
Kathy Paul, Vice-President
Darlene Catsma, Secretary
Cody Eilbes, Treasurer
Stephanie Faymoville, Board Member

Jonathan Gibbs, Board Member

*The SAGES Foundation board reserves the right to make final decisions regarding donations.